Your running program is a great way to monitor your improvement in stamina. These runs are designed to be high intensity, take less than 30 minutes, and they should be very challenging.

Examples of recommended runs:

8-4-2-1-8-4-2-1:   Go to an oval or running track and warm up. Then:

  1. run 800 metres as fast as you can, followed by 1 minute rest, then
  2. 400 m as fast as you can, 1 minute rest, then
  3. 200 m as fast as you can, 1 minute rest, then
  4. 100 metres as fast as you can, 1 minute rest
  5. then repeat steps 1-4, then finish

In all you will run 3000 metres, all of it with high intensity. If you feel like going through the cycle a third time, you’re not running hard enough!

This workout is tough!

Treadmill pyramid run: On a gym treadmill, you’ll alter the speed every 200m, and run a total of 5km. The program is as follows:

  1. Run 200 metres so that you’re working at about 60% of your maximum intensity, then
  2. Run 200 metres so that you’re working at about 70% of your maximum intensity, then
  3. Run 200 metres so that you’re working at about 80% of your maximum intensity, then
  4. Run 200 metres so that you’re working at about 90% of your maximum intensity, then
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 five more times – this will see you get to 4.8km
  6. For the last 200 metres, crank the treadmill up so you’re running as fast as you can! 100% intensity.
  7. Cool down with a slow walk on the treadmill and then a stretch

This is an extremely tough workout. Keep track of what speeds you run and monitor the improvement.